Thursday, December 14, 2006

wrap it up. I'll take it.

You know you've got some shopping to do. Well when I get the itch, and this time of year I get pretty itchy, I haul my sweet ass down Springdale Road to the Blue Genie Art Bazaar. Never have you seen such lovelies all assembled in one place for your convenience. Not only are all the goods priced to move (this is the East Side, folks. Not facking Westlake), your little tykes can clamber all over the monstrously-proportioned sushi ottomans and no one will scream at you for it. Seriously, giant Ebi & that sushi with the masago roe on top, whatever it is called. They are a scream. If I had a digital camera other than the one on my phone, I would include a photo here. But go, just go.


Sinda said...

See - Bloglines let me know.

It's lovely.

peevish said...

I can't figure out how to subscribe to certain blogs there. The dumbening continues...